Hi there!

Welcome to Effay Games, where we build iOS games to help in Cabin Crew training. All games can be modified to fit your standards.

Help Cabin Crew become proficient in procedural-task skills by allowing them to gain familiarity and experience in tasks. This overlearning, along with allowing for recency of task, allows the Cabin Crew to prevent skill decay and help to lower errors.

Each App made allows for the Cabin Crew to visually see and practice their skills on a daily basis so that they are ready for yearly recurrent training as well as ready for day to day operations. These tools are also great for those workgroups who do not touch the doors often; i.e., Flight and Tech Ops.

My Story

Learn how I became involved in the gamification of learning, and how my background has helped me in this.

Reach Out

Want a program written for your specific airline and SOPs? Reach out and let us discuss.

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Love the airline industry and travelling? Follow me on my socials to see my travels